Sunday, October 11, 2009

It takes nothing to see your loved one succeed
It takes something to 'fix' your loved one in hardship
It takes everything to see that one fall, fumble and stand up by himself
It takes absolute ignorance to see that one fail himself again and again

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Writing and Age

When i was young
I wrote what was in my mind
And let it float around

As i become older
I edit, re-edit and i am still not ready to let go
I have patches of text
Punctuated with criss crossing lines

Yet not in possession
of the pleasant void
when you have your thoughts out

I hope i am not the only one

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The juicy meat above
withholds the fibres of memories.
of being held above the window
beneath the pink sky
above the thatched huts,
like the floating fleece.

Hard grounds, a broken nose,
And scared knees marked my growth.

Pheripherally loved,
Periodically loathed,
Befriended during junkets,
Appointed in haste
Left as an afterthought
The above i foresee.

Accustomed i am to my ways
Though these change.

i mark these fibres
with a cut for every measured time 
and  wander along, carrying them.

Laying them near the shore
Only to be washed away
And gather them again.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I was talking about this, rather i have talked a few many times than it should have been thought or spoken about. It is about my light purple couch and me. We have a love and hate relationship. I sit on it in the evenings when i am back and i blame it for the inactivity in the last evening. It is simply an endless everything else.

Life is a cluster of infatuations, and the couch at the moment is one, and i am simply not yet satiated.

I come here in the evenings, and perform the daily web, carbon emitting rituals, by searching google for the world smallest economy ( and pitying my account balance at the same time. I dream of myself (at times ) of being the poster boy of my family
(for which one has to be a optimal hypocrite no matter what your background is ) and at times breaking every norm set (for which one has to be a optimal hypocrite no matter who you are )
. It is completely incredible that one says that one is driven by his own passions and commitments when most of them are set by the times that one lives in. Every motion, stinging nose hairs, sweating eyelids are simply grains filling up the remaining time. They are controlled by precisely randomly timed infatuations of animated beings.

If everything is so pointless, then just make it more 'cheerful pointless'. Back to the couch.