Monday, October 17, 2005

Something is amiss out here, am I trying to emulate my contemporaries or am I stinking in self doubt?.. Conjure up an image of you alone with all the resources intact...the material world loses its are the rich, poor and genius! Whom would you try to impress now...yourself? c'mon it would boil down to the fact of who you actually you will try searching for someone of your own kind and if u meet him or her you will for another and then with three a society would be called up for and then with four you would separate into teams of two and have a friendly banter and then confidants will be born. To make things worse two more would arrive and at the end of some day you will be right here where I am, lurking in this same self doubt...and at the end of it realize all of this was from the very audience to whom u cater the above lines! Vicious circle indeed ...or is it one’s ignorance/indifference or rather mine to trivialize the whole thought process of a society?!When looked with profound interest, the inanimate has more individuality than anyone.....Is it better to be the shallow moon than to be among the millions of bright stars? And you being the human ......will posses the "mind"...rather........the sixth sense... which has the ability to think and do quite the contrary. Of the six people the three of you try to globalize while two might crave for isolation calling it privacy and then one in remorse for the past, laments. We were made complex in our systems to think simple which we are not....we ponder, scratch the scalp, read, write, discuss, argue and at the end of the day accept and move along! Or such is the life.... born it through all the adequacy present and bear through all the inefficiencies. Enjoy the efficacy of work and bear the brunt of bliss and one day, not earmarked in a diary you invite an audience without an announcement and your silence invokes a shrill outcry that penetrates even the indifferent souls...and that day is branded as an anniversary! Who are these six people, after you they are now five in number.....and when one looks upon with deep concern all these six people are you....your six senses.....and when you are dead you loose the sixth sense and the other five are relinquished of their places thereafter...Does their individuality not stand for a chance?Can a human only be a reflection of his fellow men? So huge is this scenario that it prevails as an afterthought striking you only after each word was written and yet it puts forth an impedance to keep it unchanged!

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