Friday, June 09, 2006


When you are true to yourselves, it will be difficult, but it will be a life and not hypocrisy.

We are in a country where the poor is pitied, we are in a country where the oppressed is asked to raise his voice, we are in a country that secures seats even before the he person for whom the seat will belong to is unborn! We are in a country that had socialistic ventures till 1976 and the hypocrisy was whitewashed by the emergencies of 1976 and where the term “Socialist” was added.

Our society is not guilty of anything as a whole, it collects and pounds filth of guilt in some pockets and chokes them. It diffuses guilt when you are rich, when your family had a decent living a few years ago, when you are intelligent and deserving in the family. We feel that society is a line of skewed socialistic drums. Granted that the intention is as noble as the word ‘noble’ can get, but the ways and means that you take to achieve are skewed beyond recognition of this nobility, benchmarked…

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