Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Not a random thought

One can react only if one chooses to, but when one from the time of existence is exposed to reactions of people to discrete situations; then this one adapts to those reactions.

Example could be death. Though it is known heuristically that all die, one reacts with sadness to the same, and if one does not, the next level is absolute mystery that eventually has further adapted to anger or diappointment (read reactions) over any conceived absence of reactions or the conceived less proportionality of the same.

The choice of anything is governed by its consequence. This consequence can again be made a 'choice' by selecting the reaction to the above governing consequence.

One has choices leading to consequences which are nothing but choices again. Perceived consequences are results of constraints called as rules. But rules themselves are collective choices made over a certain period of time.

And further even if we accept a choice based on consequences, then it is done only to lead further favorable choices. Here favorable is subjective.

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