Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Germany has killed my imagination, with its rows of cars, with its rows of stacked cars, with its rows of parallel parked cars...
Reading the sentence above, you could guess that i do not have much imagination left  in me now,neverthless i write...
This is a beautiful place, the heaven of engineering that was branded as the sick man of Europe.
The bearer of European torch and bearing still the stain of Nazism in its inner collars.
I am here for the past 8 months and i have seen some places in Europe. What bothers me is that i saw these places but I only saw them. The moment i arrived , i got the picture of a sci-fi movie where everybody was eaten by zombies. There were facilities, transport, cars and trees. Only two things were missing: Garbage and people.
Later i came to know Germans ship their garbage away, but i am yet to find out what happened to the people.
There is a sense of coldness in here, in the weather and in the ground
The weather is awful though except during a few months in a year.
As i came into my university, the atmosphere simply seemed to be an extension of the above, and there were no gates, literally and figuratively.
This is  how I feel and is my perspective. 
Trains run to the minute, supermarkets are full, and it is 'the place' for meadows, lawns and to breathe. But there is this chaos missing, it seems to have been closed in this huge closet with engineered locks, emotions locked into beer like the fuzz in the beer(only with the opener missing,.... like forever).

One thing is for sure, i am not facing a integration crisis, as i simply know people in numbers and quality that i am usually used to, and i am also happy that i am not stuck up with my old-buddies. It is not the point of stating this situation as a duality and clinically coming into an inference whether i am feeling black or white here (read not skin color).  Though the post may incline you towards stating the same as a rambe (which it is ).. this what i see with my optically corrected glasses....

There is here the sense of detachment i really wanted, do i want to be here? i do not know...

1 comment:

paraballein said...

Hmm. Wonder what I'd feel like in Deutschland. Here, so much impinges on my senses, that I am fated to dissipate myself. The grass is greener on the other side.